Each person has nine animal essences or totems that walk through life with them, teaching and guiding them and in some cases, protecting them. These nine totems usually remain the same throughout your lifetime; however, major life alterations can  cause your totems to change as your totems adapt to your new life style.
Your totems are found in 7 directions around your spirit: East, South, West, North, Above, Below and Within. The last two animals are walking beside you at all times; your Right Side (male) and your Left Side (feminine). While sometimes the living animal is around you, most often they are only the essence of the animal. At different times in your life, you may also have Special Helpers and/or Special Protectors.  These stay with you for an limited period of time, depending on the challenges that you must face.  They usually appear in person, in dreams or during meditation.

Resource AnimalMedicineCards

I use these cards and yes very accurate and work well I do not use them maybe as I should but they often do aid and the messages are always timely.


Raven /Crows

Ravens, Crows  , wherever they are , know magick is around.
They are their to let you know too expect a change in consciousness

Evertime raven crows come their is usually a change to come first in my consciousness then in my life
I not only experience them in real time but they come in dreams as well
I can also say I have been visited by white crow and white buffalo to at varied times.
They are messangers from the other world, and the Divine.
They are related to one another.
Ravens are the largest songbirds in North America. Their bodies are covered in rich black plumage, which shines with an iridescent bluish color. Though often mistaken with crows, ravens are much larger and their croak is more raucous. Ravens are intelligent masters of mimicking the calls of other animals and have also been known to mimic some human words. They are good at finding food and communicating with other ravens where food is located

Ravens are known as the "keeper of secrets" in several native tribes, and are the teachers of mysticism. They have been wrapped in a wealth of myth and lore throughout many cultures and ages. Their black color and diet of dead animals associates them with the vast void of darkness, which is representative of the unconscious.

Raven flies to us with heightened awareness and greater understanding of our consciousness. It is with this new perception that we begin seeing into the hearts of others and experience their feelings. Raven asks us to experience the transformation it brings within our multidimensional self, and be reunited with the mysteries of the universe so we can expel our inner demons.

They are associated wiht the Dark Goddess spec the Morrighan.
A totem is a spiritual creature, but it is not a god. You do not worship a totem, you follow it. A totem embodies a certain way of life - a representation of a set of ideals. The ideals are usually personified in the form of an animal, but can also be as abstract as the chinook wind, or grandfather thunder. "You do not choose your totem. Your totem chooses you" That is one of the most common phrases I've heard or read about totems. It reflects one of the basic principles of totems - You don't control them, and you can't explain them... but something deep inside you responds to the totem's call. When you follow the way of a totem, it just "feels right".

Raven is a very special totem. They're all special, of course, but Raven holds a unique place in many native myths. Raven is a creator - he is mankind's protector and sometimes saviour. He brought light and fire to the early people so they would not die. He gave them salmon so they wouldn't starve. In some stories, he even brough water to break a terrible drought. He is a cultural hero. He is also a Trickster. Raven steals from man, and from other spirits. He plays jokes on us, and he laughs at mankind's expense. Sometimes his tricks go awry and he ends up the butt of his own joke, but even then, there is humor.
Animal Speaks


I can say Raven and Crow have inspired me taught me and still do and aided me in very hard spots
They also remind me to look withn as  a Witch I know my answers are within.
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Animal Characteristics & Meaning

Alligator Maternal, revenge oriented, quickness, aggression, and basic survival instincts. Ant Group minded, determination, patient, active, and industrious Anteater Lethargy, curiosity, nosiness. Antelope Active, agile, jumpiness, and willing to sacrifice Armadillo Safety oriented, grounded, and has boundaries Badger Courage, aggressive, healer, having problems relating to others, and energy conduit Bat Rebirth, longevity, secrecy, initiation, good listener, and long life Bear Industrious, instinctive, healing, power, sovereignty, guardian of the world, watcher, courage, will power, self-preservation, introspection, and great strength. Beaver Determined, strong-willed, builder, overseer, and protector Bee Organized, industrial, productive, wise, community, celebration, fertility, defensiveness, obsessive nature, and enjoys life Boar/Pig A very powerful totem - prosperity, spiritual strength, organized, self-reliant, fearless. Buffalo Sacredness, life, great strength, abundance, gratitude. Bull Insight into the past, fertility, rushing into things without proper preparation. Butterfly Metamorphosis, transformation, balnace, grace, ability to accept change Camel Survival, positive, accomplishments Caribou Traveler, mobility, preference to be nomadic, adaptability to adversity Cat Guardianship, detachment, sensuality, mystery, magic, and independence Cheetah Swiftness, insight, focus Cougar Leadership, loyalty, courage, taking responsibility, foresight Cow Swift, insightful, and focused Coyote Trickster, intelligence, stealth, wisdom and folley, guile and innocence Cobra Swift and decisive Crab Good luck, protection and success Crane Solitude, justice, longevity, independent, intelligent, and vigilant Crocodile Ensuring your emotions are displayed accurately/appropriately Crow Justice, shape shifting, change, creativity, spiritual strength, energy, community sharing, and balance Deer Compassion, peace, intellectual, gentle, caring, kind, subtlety, gracefulness, femininity, gentleness, innocence, and seller of adventure Dog Noble, faithful, loyal, teaching, protection, and guidance

A segment from Crystalinks some totem animals


Cat: Independence In Egypt cats were always given special privileges and were treated like royalty. In Scandinavia the cat stood for fertility, and in India it is a symbol of childbirth. In ancient times it was believed that witches took the form of their cats at night. Cats are fiercely independent. You can never own one: it allows you to take care of it and love it, but only on its terms. They come and go as they please, when they please. Cat's medicine is independence, curiosity, many lives, cleverness, unpredictability, healing, the ability to fight when cornered, seeing the unseen, and protection. He also represents love and can assist us in meditation. If Cat is your Power Animal, then you have magic and mystery in your life. You are independent and a free thinker. You probably feel energized at night. You will stay with a person or situation until it bores you, and then you're gone. You have a great talent for organizing things. Coyote: the trickster, devilment Crane: solitude and independence Crow: law, shape shifting, change Deer: gentleness, caring and kindness Deer blend very well with their environment but are very sensitive to every sound or movement. Often twins, even triplets, are born in the spring. Does and bucks live in separate groups until the mating season. The white-tailed deer are moderately gregarious, and family members forage food together along with other family groups, giving the appearance of a large herd. People with Deer Medicine are often described as being swift and alert. They are intuitive, often appearing to have well developed, even extrasensory perceptions. Sometimes their thoughts seem to race ahead, and they appear not to be listening. Deer's medicine includes gentleness in word, thought and touch, ability to listen, grace and appreciation for the beauty of balance, understanding of what's necessary for survival, power of gratitude and giving, ability to sacrifice for the higher good, connection to the woodland spirits, alternative paths to a goal. The gentleness of Deer is the heart-space of the Great Spirit which embodies His love for us all. Deer teaches us to find the gentleness of spirit that heals all wounds, to stop pushing to get others to change and to love and accept them as they are. The only true balance to power is love and compassion. Dog: noble, loyal, teaching Dog was the servant/soldier that guarded the tribe's dwellings and protected them from surprise attacks. Dog helped during the hunting¹s and provided warmth in winter. It is a symbol of loyalty, unconditional love, protection and service. Its Medicine incorporates the loving kindness of the best friend and the protective energy of the guardian. If your Power Animal is Dog, your devotion towards your family and friends is infinite. You get great satisfaction from rendering service to others, offering your hand to a friend in need. A kind word, a caress, an act of kindness mean much more to you than material things. However, there is a risk of coming too close to the other side: allowing people to take advantage of you because of your gentle nature. Dog reminds you that your loyalty should always be to yourself, to your own truth. He reminds you that by respecting and valuing yourself you can truly render a service to those who honor what you can give them. Dolphin: kindness and play energy The beautiful, graceful, sleek dolphin carries many messages for the two-legged. Even though it is a mammal, its home is the sea and has mastered the art of breath control. Since water is the symbol of all life - of creation, passion and even sexuality - dolphin brings us teachings from the waters of life. Playful creatures, dolphins have long entertained man with their joyful antics. Studying dolphin communication has proved to be an awesome task for man. As in all animals, dolphins have developed sophisticated auditory signals that warn others of impending danger. Some believe that these animals are now warning man of impending danger as he ignores the balance of the natural world. Swimming with the dolphins has become a powerful experience for many people, and as they interact with these playful creatures, they cannot help but feel their communication. Dolphin reminds us that time to play is a crucial element to walk in balance. It moves through the water quickly and with great grace. Dolphin tells us to move with the ebb and flow of life, and not to search for brick walls to smash into, for to spend our energy fighting the current gets us nowhere. Dolphin medicine includes change, wisdom, balance, harmony, communication skills, freedom, trust, understanding the power of rhythm in your life, use of breath to release intense emotions, water power. Dragon: longevity, infinity, wisdom, movement through space Dragonfly: Illusion - Transcendence Eagle: divine Spirit and connection to creator Eagle feathers are used all over the world as ceremonial instruments and are considered to be the most sacred healing tools. They are a symbol of power, healing and wisdom. Eagle represents a state of grace that is reached through inner work, understanding and passing the initiation tests that result from reclaiming our personal power. Eagle Medicine is the Power of the Great Spirit. It is the spirit of tenacity. It is the gift of clear vision with which one can truly see the things one sees. It is the patience to wait for the appropriate moment. It is to live in balance with heaven and Earth. Eagle reminds you of your connection with the Great Spirit. It tells you that the universe is giving you the opportunity to fly above your life's worldly levels, or above the shadow of past realities. Eagle teaches you to look above in order to touch Grandfather Sun with your heart, to love the Shadow as much as the Light. Eagle asks you to grant yourself permission to be free in order to reach the joy that your heart desires.