
Developing a positive Mindset is one of the most powerful keys. Using powerful  in living a magickal and fulfilling life with positive thinking t., visualizations and positive affirmations, it is possible to achieve whatever you want. Professionals and business people can use these techniques to develop personal power or gain a competitive edge. At a personal level it will transform your life, your health and renew the joy and passion for life. Imagine waking up each morning, bursting All of our self-talk or inner dialogue is a stream of affirmations. We are continually affirming subconsciously with our words and thoughts and this flow of affirmations is creating our life experience in every moment. Our beliefs are just learned thought patterns that we have developed since childhood, many of these work well for us, but others may now be working against us, they are dysfunctional and may be sabotaging us from achieving what we believe we want. Every affirmation we think or say is a reflection of our inner truth or beliefs. It is important to realize that many of these "inner truths" may not actually be true for us now or may be based on invalid or inappropriate impressions we constructed as children, which if examined as an adult can be exposed as inappropriate. Affirmations are short positive statements targeted at a specific subconscious set of beliefs, to challenge  and undermine negative beliefs and to replace them with positive self-nurturing beliefs. It is a kind of "brainwashing" only you get to choose which negative beliefs to wash away. The way these statements are constructed is extremely important. Later I will show you how to construct you own affirmations. It is important to remember of course that everything we say and think is a positive affirmation, using positive affirmation statements forces us to keep focussed on our inner goals and reminds us to think consciously about our words and thoughts and to modify them to ref lect our positive affirmation.   Yes affirmations work with time and consistency, I believe it is one reason I stayed 3 yrs doing  telemarketing and doing it well. It is another one of several reasons I am able to do what I do now.We can not look to others to affirm us. We must learn to love and accept and embrace ourselves.Creating your own affirmations is the perfect way to get the right affirmations for you. Example of affirmation, I am blessed in my a fulfilling job which meets all my needs and more I am blessed in body I am healthy I am happy and positive person etc We as Witches know words have power we create spells and work magick, we also know words can heal or wound. Question, how are you using your words with yourself?